Environmental Modeling Team webinars
We are excited to offer quarterly webinars featuring the work of our Environmental Systems Modeling (ESM) team.
Machine Learning for Hydrology and Water Quality Assessments: Using Random Forest for Spatial Extrapolation of Streamflow Metrics
July 17, 2024 (10:00 - 10:50 am EST) | Presented by Dr. Jens Kiesel
In this webinar, we introduce the application of the Random Forest machine learning algorithm for hydrological predictions. We will give a quick introduction to machine learning techniques and delve into the pros and cons of the Random Forest algorithm. The core component will cover input data processing, application of the algorithm, a performance assessment of the results, and identifying the importance of the predictor variables targeted to streamflow simulations. We will share insights into lessons learned and pitfalls in using Random Forest and provide a simple code example to get you started implementing your own Random Forest machine learning model.