AGRICULTURAL Chemical Runoff Assessment
The ecological effects of agricultural chemical (nonpoint source) pollutants transported through runoff and drainage water have been under increasing scrutiny. To address these effects, a thorough understanding of transport processes and mitigation strategy effectiveness is essential. Stone’s experienced team of scientists, engineers, and project managers understands data requirements and design scientifically sound strategies to collect high-quality field data, conduct sophisticated quantitative data analysis, and present results in a relevant way to clients and stakeholders.
Field study experience
Our field experts have performed numerous surface water runoff studies that range from small plot to watershed scale, assessing pesticide and nutrient transport and the effect of best management practices (BMPs). Examples of these designs include:
- Edge-of-field studies that characterize hydrologic processes, sediment transport, and assess runoff potential of pesticides and nutrients
- Simulated rainfall studies at the plot scale that permit management of soil moisture content, rainfall intensity, and rainfall depth
- Paired watershed studies to quantify treatment effects such as agricultural BMP implementation
- Surface water-quality monitoring studies to quantify concentration and load in receiving waters
- Filter media efficacy studies to quantify effectiveness in drainage water treatment systems
Modeling experience
Complementing our field expertise, Stone has environmental modeling experts that possess the necessary tools to characterize exposure to vulnerable terrestrial and aquatic organisms in receiving waters. Examples of Stone’s modeling capabilities include:
- Agrochemical fate and exposure screening modeling using regulatory aquatic exposure models
- Higher tier application of hydrologic and water quality models such as VFSMOD, APEX, and SWAT
- Agrochemical fate and transport modeling for residential and urban environments
- Probabilistic modeling to understand the distribution of pesticide exposure throughout endangered species ranges and critical habitats
- Integrated web-based model application development to help farmers, crop consultants, and stakeholders evaluate BMP effectiveness at water quality improvements
We work closely with a diversity of clients on both small (field scale) and large (continental river basin scale) runoff projects to assess water quality and ecological impacts of land-applied chemicals. Our clients include grower associations, state and federal agencies, academic institutions, and multi-national agrochemical companies. Stone's processes and collective expertise will streamline your project, providing continuity from study conception to study completion.
Stone Environmental surface water study experience.