Bennington Downtown Area-Wide Brownfield Plan
The Bennington Downtown Area-Wide Plan, prepared by Stone and our team members, responds to market opportunities and input by stakeholders and provides a vision for a vibrant downtown that is place where people can live, work, shop, visit and come together for community and social events. To gain community buy-in for the Plan, we developed an interactive story map using ArcGIS Online, which was recognized by Esri at the 2017 Partner for Conference for Best Use of Story Maps. For more information, about this award, check out Esri's article in its Spring 2017 ArcGIS Newsletter: "Esri Partners Help Users Make the Maps That Run Their Towns"
Relevant Links
Bennington Downtown Area-Wide Plan
Bennington Downtown Area-Wide Plan (Interactive Story Map)
Using ArcGIS to Develop a Holistic Plan for Downtown Revitalization (Stone Case Study)