City Market Celebrates Groundbreaking of South End Expansion Project
Last week, City Market, Onion River Co-op celebrated a major milestone - the groundbreaking of its second store in Burlington's South End. City Market South End will include a 14,000 square foot cooperative grocery store, teaching kitchen, community space, café, and leased office space on a property formerly occupied by various historical industries. As part of the redevelopment, City Market is addressing the site's long history of industrial use dating back to 1880 through the remediation of lingering contamination. City Market will be seeking liability protection in exchange for Site cleanup as an enrollee of the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation's Brownfield Re-Use Environmental Liability Limitation Act (BRELLA) Program and will be leveraging funding provided by the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission Brownfield Program and the Agency of Commerce and Community Development.
Stone is proud to be part of City Market's South End expansion project as it moves forward with construction. We look forward to joining City Market with its grand opening in late fall, 2017.
City market's road to redevelopment
In September 2015, City Market hired Stone to conduct standard due diligence on the site to better understand the environmental risks before acquiring the property from Vermont Railway. Stone performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), identifying thirteen recognized environmental conditions with the site and a subsequent Phase II ESA to assess whether past uses of the site have resulted in a release to the environment.
The Phase II ESA identified several problems, including the presence of chlorinated solvents and naphthalene contaminated soil gas, as well as lead, arsenic, and both chlorinated and petroleum-related volatile organic compound contaminated soil. In order for City Market's project to move forward, Stone prepared a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) designed to allow for cost-effective redevelopment of the Site. Stone worked closely with the redevelopment Project Team to come up with elements of the Site design that were protective of human health while also mindful of costs and end user experience.
As construction continues, Stone will be working closely with the Site contractors to ensure proper implementation of the CAP while being protective to workers and neighboring properties. <<Read More About this Project>>
Links to learn More About City market's south end expansion
Press Release: City Market Breaks Ground on New Store
News: City Market Celebrate Expansion to Burlington's South End