Welcome 2016 New Staff!

As we close out 2016, we would like to take a moment to welcome the new members to the Stone team who have helped to enhance our scientific expertise and deliver quality work to our clients.
Please join us in welcoming the following new staff to Stone, and thanking them for the great work they've done this year.
Click on the names below to learn more information about each person, or visit our Stone Team page to see the entire team.
Jody Stryker, Ph.D. joined Stone in November as an Environmental Modeler after completing her PhD in Civil Engineering at the University of Vermont. With expertise in hydrologic modeling and sediment transport processes, Jody is contributing to a broad range of agricultural and water quality modeling projects and research.
Hendrik Rathjens, Ph.D. joined us in October after completing two years as a post-doctoral research scientist at Purdue University in the Department of Agricultural Engineering. Hendrik is working with our environmental modeling team on projects ranging from agrochemical fate and transport to large-scale watershed water quality model development.
Meghan Arpino, M.S. joined Stone in August as a Staff Scientist and has an extensive background in the environmental field, specializing in hydrology. She has been working on Stone's surface water and groundwater GLP studies and will also contribute to our deposition and field volatility work.
Brian Diezel, E.I. joined Stone in August as an Environmental Engineer and brings with him a breadth of experience in remedial design and implementation of remedies on hazardous sites. Brian is contributing to Stone's Brownfield redevelopment and US Army Corps of Engineers contracted projects.
Branden Martin, E.I. joined stone in July as a Project Engineer and is involved in a variety of projects at Stone including work on stormwater best practices, illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE), and agricultural water and waste management.
Xiaoyan Hu, M.S. joined Stone in June as an Environmental Geospatial Scientist after completing her M.S. degree in GIS from Clark University. Xiaoyan brings her GIS, statistical analysis, and programming skills to a broad spectrum of environmental quality modeling and spatial analysis projects and research.
Dan Curran, M.S. joined Stone in January as an Environmental Technician and has been working on various projects, including water resources work, environmental site assessment, and remediation projects.
To learn more about how we can use our expertise to solve your complex environmental problems, CONTACT US today.