Environmental Model Development / Customization
Each environmental model has strengths and weaknesses concerning how accurately and comprehensively it captures the real world phenomenon of interest. Situations sometimes arise where an existing environmental model does not include the features required to simulate important physical processes, the existing model does not represent certain processes appropriately for a new condition, or the model is unable to generate predictions at the temporal and spatial scales desired. In these situations, model customization or new model development can resolve the problem.
Our team includes scientists who are intimately involved with the code bases of the models we work with. We frequently modify and adapt existing models for new purposes (e.g. applying SWMM for pesticide transport in urban areas), seamlessly integrate multiple models (e.g. PRZM and VFSMOD, PRZM and SWAT), or develop new algorithms within existing models to achieve simulation objectives. This requires both the scientific knowledge of the physical/environmental process (e.g. rainfall/runoff, soil erosion, pesticide fate, etc.) and the programming skills to represent these physical processes within model code bases. We frequently work with other developers of individual models to offer enhancements and/or report bugs to continue to improve the accuracy and applicability of publicly available models. This process puts us in an advantageous position for our clients, as it enables us to customize models in a scientifically defensible manner when required for non-standard applications.
Watershed Modeling Approach Using PRZM and SWAT
Development of Urban Pesticide Transport Conceptual Model