Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) improves water quality by identifying and eliminating bacterial, nutrient, and hazardous material discharges into stormwater drainage systems. Wastewater leaking from sanitary sewers and malfunctioning septic systems into stormwater infrastructure or entering via direct connections between sanitary wastewater and stormwater piping, can result in significant pollution, pose a threat to public health, and degrade local receiving waters.
Stone has worked diligently since 2006 to locate and eliminate these harmful discharges through infrastructure mapping, water quality testing, and sewer investigation. Stone has conducted IDDE work in 145 Vermont communities, identifying over 200 wastewater or other inappropriate discharges and working with municipal staff to eliminate them. Stone has resolved illicit discharges while pushing the limits of available testing methods and leveraging new techniques and technologies that improve efficiency and produce more definitive, actionable data.
Dye crossing over from sanitary sewer lateral to stormdrain in Montpelier.
Sanitary wastewater in stormdrain in Montpelier
Smoke issuing from a catchbasin on Hersey Avenue in Barre revealed a leaking sanitary sewer main
Smoke testing revealed that the sewer lateral from this house in Proctor was misconnected to the municipal stormdrain.
Wastewater flowing in a municipal stormdrain in Plattsburgh.