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  • Jul 9, 2019

    Stone Environmental Accepts ACEC-VT Engineering Excellence Award for Oak Street Neighborhood Project

    In June, Stone Environmental accepted an Engineering Excellence Merit Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Vermont (ACEC-VT) for an innovative green stormwater infrastructure design and implementation project for the Oak Street drainage area in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. The project was completed in collaboration with lead engineers from Dufresne Group, with critical support from the Caledonia County Natural Resources Conservation District (CCNRCD) and the Town of St. Johnsbury. The Oak Street Neighborhood Project is the first in Vermont to combine neighborhood-scale green infrastructure with “gray” infrastructure to reduce combined sewer overflow events.

  • Apr 30, 2019

    Stone Welcomes Senior Engineer Peter Lazorchak, PE, LEED AP

    Stone Environmental is excited to announce that Peter Lazorchak, PE, LEED AP has joined the company as a Senior Water Resources Engineer. Peter will provide senior leadership for Stone’s growing environmental engineering practice, as well as support Stone’s stormwater management, agricultural engineering, stream restoration, and wastewater management services.

  • Apr 3, 2019

    Barbara Patterson Named Service Line Lead of Stone's Geospatial & Data Solutions Team

    Stone Environmental, a national leader in GIS-based spatial analysis and web application development, is excited to announce the promotion of Barbara Patterson to Service Line Lead of Stone’s Geospatial & Data Solutions team.

  • Mar 26, 2019

    Stone Environmental Named One of the 2019 Best Places to Work in Vermont

    Stone Environmental was named one of the 2019 Best Places to Work in Vermont by the Vermont Business Magazine, the Vermont Chamber of Commerce, the Vermont Department of Economic Development, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) –– Vermont State Council, and Best Companies Group.

  • Feb 21, 2019

    Stone's Branden Martin & Vermont Report Card Committee Give State Infrastructure a "C"

    Project Engineer Branden Martin was part of a presentation at the State House last week for the release of the 2019 Report Card for Vermont's Infrastructure. Read on for more information.

  • Dec 10, 2018

    Stone Welcomes David Abrahamson, PE, PMP

    Stone Environmental is pleased to announce that David Abrahamson, PE, PMP has been hired as a Senior Engineer to further develop Stone's Environmental Assessment and Remediation service offerings and environmental engineering services.

  • Oct 25, 2018

    City of Montpelier, Vermont Wins Competition for a Free Implementation of ArcGIS Hub

    Stone Environmental has chosen the City of Montpelier for implementation of a web-based technology for community engagement using Esri’s ArcGIS Hub technology. Stone will be providing their community service and innovation hours to support the development of a citizen engagement website so that the City can take advantage of the latest tools to better inform its citizens.

  • Sep 27, 2018

    Stone Environmental and the Employee Owners of Vermont (EOVT) Raise Funds for Vermont Food Bank

    As October is Employee-Ownership Month, Stone combined forces with the Employee Owners of Vermont (EOVT) to raise funds for the Vermont Food Bank, which helps provide nutritious food for our friends, neighbors, and family members in need in Vermont.

  • Jul 21, 2018

    Stone Environmental's Participation in Montpelier BioBlitz 2018

    We are thrilled to have sponsored the Montpelier Bioblitz on July 21-22, 2018! For 24 hours, biologists and members of the community (including our in-house pollinator expert, Leif Richardson, Ph.D.) banded together to survey and catalog all flora and fauna in Montpelier, while round-the-clock activities for all ages happened in Hubbard Park and the North Branch Nature Center.

  • Jul 18, 2018

    Stone's Leif Richardson Interviewed on Vermont Public Radio

    Senior Ecologist Leif Richardson, Ph.D was interviewed on Vermont Public Radio about the recent sightings of the Fernald's bumblebee, Bombus fernaldae in Vermont. While relatively common elsewhere in the northeast, Bombus fernaldae's presence in Vermont is notable--as is its behavior.