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Stone/Intrinsik at ACS 2016
The Stone-Intrinsik Team attended ACS 2016 and led 9 platform presentations.
Using GIS to Develop, Prioritize and Track Planning Goals
Towns and regional organizations are turning to web-based geographic information systems (GIS) to develop a more collaborative and engaging way of planning.
Barre’s Blanchard Block Reborn (Best of Central Vermont Magazine)
Article in Best of Central Vermont Magazine about Barre's Blanchard Block Revival, which Stone helped to support
Revitalize Your Community Through Area-Wide Planning
Communities across the country and here in Vermont are using area-wide planning to integrate the cleanup/reuse of brownfields into broader, more coordinated revitalization strategies to create more vibrant, healthy, safe, and sustainable communities.
Stone Staff Volunteers Sort and Pack at the Vermont Foodbank
Stone volunteers descended upon the Vermont Foodbank to sort and pack food boxes for regional distribution.
Congratulations New York Information Gateway (Esri SAG Award)
Esri's SAG Award goes to NYSOPD New York Information Gateway! We're proud to have helped develop this amazing resource!
Stone Helps Lead Development of ASABE Standard
Work is well underway toward establishing American Society of Biological Engineers (ASABE) standards for calibration and evaluation of hydrologic and water quality (HWQ) models, and Stone Environmental is playing a key role in that work.
Protecting Endangered Species
Protecting endangered species has always been an important consideration for the agrochemical industry. Read about Stone's activities in this area and participation at a May 2016 EMPM meeting about the topic.
Gateway Supports Sustainable Growth and Resilience (Esri ArcUser Summer Edition)
This Article by NYDOS clients Jeff Herter and Liz Podowski appeared in Esri's Summer edition of ArcUser and describes the New York Information Gateway, which they co-developed with Stone.