NY Geographic Information Gateway Updated with a New Look, Features, and Functionality
nydos announces recent update to NY Geographic information Gateway
We're excited to announce that New York's Geographic Information Gateway has a new look, mobile-friendly interface, and new functionality that links data with specific stories. The Information Gateway, co-developed by NY Department of State's Office of Planning and Development and Stone Environmental, was first launched in March 2015. The new, easy to access interface has all the original functionality of the Gateway, with access to four focus areas on the Great Lakes, Waterfront Revitalization, Atlantic Ocean and Climate Change and Resilience and four developed stories on Submarine Canyons, Offshore Energy, DOS Risk Areas and Living Shorelines. Check out the site's new interface and features on the New York Geographic Information Gateway (Website/App).
See Also:
New York Geographic Information Gateway
Congratulations New York Information Gateway (Esri SAG Award)
Gateway Supports Sustainable Growth and Resilience (Esri ArcUser Summer Edition)