Step Pool Storm Conveyance System Design and Construction in Enosburg Falls, Vermont
Stone developed comprehensive stormwater management plans (SWMPs) for eight communities in Franklin County, including the Village of Enosburg Falls, while working for the Friends of Northern Lake Champlain (FNLC). Each SWMP identified a suite of high priority stormwater management projects, including a stormwater outfall near the Enosburg Village Garage. The outfall drains approximately 11 acreas of largely impervious residential area in the downtown. Improvements to the channel below the outfall had been made in the 1990s as part of a sewer separation project, but heavy sediment loads, and a lack of proper maintenance had led to clogging of the stone-lined channel. Recently, flows had begun to leave the banks of the existing stone-lined channel, causing significant erosion and damage to a walking trail.