Spatial Analysis & Statistics
Whether the challenge is identifying watersheds vulnerable to pesticide exposure, determining the onsite wastewater treatment capacity of a new neighborhood development, or visualizing where proposed wind towers can be seen from, spatial analysis using GIS enables the integration of complex data sets to support decision making. Stone Environmental has extensive experience working with the full spectrum of data sets, including national and local level land cover (NLCD), soils (SSURGO, STATSGO), topography (NED), and hydrography (NHD).
Our team has earned a strong reputation for developing spatial analysis methods that yield the deepest insights into the issues being studied. These include techniques for identifying unsuitable areas for onsite wastewater treatment, determining environmental restrictions on growth, and selecting water bodies most susceptible to agrochemical exposure. We have conducted analyses for hundreds of projects in the US, as well as in Canada and the EU, and for countries as far-flung as New Zealand and Indonesia.
We are expert in the following spatial analysis techniques:
- Watershed analysis and modeling
- Spatial statistics
- 3-D visualization
- Redistricting
- Multi-factor suitability and screening analysis
- Network and service territory analysis
- Groundwater contaminant tracking
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See more about how we use spatial analysis in the crop protection industry specifically.