Ecosystem Restoration
Stone’s water resources engineers and and scientists are motivated, highly skilled, and passionate about our water resources in Vermont, New Hampshire and throughout New England. Collectively, we have over 25 years of experience upgrading road-stream crossings, removing dams, stabilizing banks and reconnecting floodplains. Project goals typically range from improving aquatic organism passage, increasing flood resiliency, restoring geomorphic functions and improving water quality. Our team strives to balance these goals with the long-term protection of infrastructure within the built environment.
Our restoration services typically focus on the following types of projects:
- Dam removals
- Road-stream crossing assessments and upgrade designs
- Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP)
- Stream habitat enhancements
- Bank, channel, and gully stabilizations
Our projects are often supported by the following efforts:
- Geomorphic surveys and assessments
- Infrastructure assessments
- Wetland delineations
- Hydrology and hydraulic (H&H) modeling
- Sediment characterization & transport analysis
- Permitting
- Revegetation designs
Stone also offers construction management support, including bid document preparation, contractor selection support, construction oversight, contract closeout services and preparation of as-built plans. Stone staff can also provide post-project monitoring services to document project performance over varying time scales.